Friday, December 27, 2019

Venture Capital, Owner Financing Trade Credit - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 957 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Compare and contrast essay Level High school Did you like this example? Venture Capital Venture capital represents a type of private equity capital that used to finance firms that are at the early- stage for elaboration of new products and services or at the development stage. The investors for venture capital, known as limited partners that comprise both wealthy individuals which have financial capital and institutions that have large amounts of available capital such as private state funds, pension funds, donations, foundations, insurance companies and mutual funds. Venture capital is also referred as risk capital which normally invested in private company. It involves investments in unquoted companies with growth potential and is generally medium to long term in nature made in exchange for a stake in a company. A venture capitalist can be an individual or investment firm who makes venture investment is expected to bring their managerial and technical expertise along with capital to their investments ( 2014). Young st art-up companies with high growth potential, most often in high technology industries such biotechnology and information technology(IT) turn to venture capitalists for funding as they cannot raise capital in the public markets and unable to a secure abank loanor complete adebt offering due to lack of collateral. These companies have a limited operating history and need additional funds in developing their business. By investing in small, unproven and less mature companies, venture capitalists assume high risk in exchange for significant influence on company decision and a portion of companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ ownership ( 2014). There are three major types of venture capital which include business start-ups, business development and management buyouts. In the stage of business start-ups, venture capital organization provide capital to the firms that need funding for marketing and product development to enable them to get off the ground. While, in the stage of business development, venture capitalists organization may be willing to provide development capital for a company which wants to expand or invest in a new product or new market. The third type of venture capital is management buyouts which is the purchase of all or part of a business from its owner by its managers. Owner Financing Finance from the ownersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ personal sources is nearly always the initial source of finance for a business, whether from the owner or from family connections. At this stage because many assets are intangible, thus external financing is an unrealistic prospect and may be difficult to obtain ( 2014). As many small companies have weak financial base, they generally use internally generated funds in the form of personal savings or borrowing from family, relative and friend to start up a business. Trade Credit Trade credit is an important source of short-term finance, especially for small and fast growing companies. It is a kind of credit which defined as an arrangement to purchase of goods and services by one trader to another without making immediate cash or cheque payments( 2014). A limit is usually set, commonly called credit terms once a business enters into trade credit arrangements with its suppliers (accaglobal.com2014). For example, a customer could set cash or cheque payment to be made within 10 days from the date of the invoice and this may give customers an advantage of obtaining any early payment discount. By using trade credit, small companies are able to delay payments to suppliers for goods and services that already purchased, which is useful in managing cash flow. One of the most important benefits of using trade credit is the reduction of transaction costs which involved in paying and managing invoices between suppliers and buyers. As trade credit separates the payment cycle from the delivery cycle and pay bills periodically instead of every time that goods are delivered, it helps in reducing the transaction costs. The amount of days of the credit term is determined by the company which allowing the credit to customers and is agreed upon both parties ( 2014). The indirect costs of making maximum use of trade credit include the loss of early payment discount and the loss of supplierà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s goodwill. VASILESCU, LAURA GIURCÃÆ'„à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡(2011) VENTURE CAPITAL OPPORTUNITIES AND LIMITS IN FINANCING THE SMES. Jul2011, Vol. 13 Issue 3, p107-110. 4p. Venture Capital [Online] Available from : [Accessed 9th November 2014] ture-capital-456-3808/ Dagogo, Daibi W(2009) THE EFFECT OF VENTURE CAPITAL FINANCING ON THE ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED PROFILE OF NIGERIAN SMEs. Vol. 5 Issue 5, p37-51. 15p. 1 Diagram, 4 Charts. Business Finance and The SME Sector [Online] Available from:[Assessed 9th November 2014] Descriptive analysis on the pattern of SME financing in Malaysia [Online]Availablefrom: the_pattern_of_SME_financing_in_Malaysia Trade credit is probably the easiest and most important source of short-term finance available to businesses[Online] Available from: [Assessed 9th November 2014] Trade credit [Online] Available from: [Assessed 9 November 2014] Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Venture Capital, Owner Financing Trade Credit" essay for you Create order

Thursday, December 19, 2019

800 Word Essay Birth Control for Teens - 852 Words

Giving Birth Control to Teens Birth control for teens has always been a very controversial subject for parents, teachers and teens. Some believe that the government should mandate birth control for teens. There are some that are concerned with the government overstepping the lines of freedom. Due to the rise of teenage pregnancy and the heavy costs that is incurred, legislature should enact a law making it mandatory that teens receive birth control. Early teenage pregnancy risks the teens educational future and other life opportunities. In addition, taxpayers now are paying an estimated $20 billion a year to take care of the infants that our teens are now having. Teens that have become pregnant have found it difficult to†¦show more content†¦Stereotyping is not as prevalent as in previous decades, although parents do worry of this happening. As parents, people do not want to see their teen become pregnant and put that life on hold to raise a baby, birth control by legislation would help this situation. Reports show that teen pregnancy is declining compared to twenty years ago. Therefore, some lives are not disrupted, remain intact and are allowed to go on. Government plans and programs seem to be making a small step in birth control for teens. In Baltimore, Jr. High students found that if a school passes out prescription birth control, the government will not pay for the sex education class that is so desperately needed. It is either one program or the Smelser 4 other and it cannot be used in combination to each other. Our government should help take the burden off of our overworked parents and enable a program such as this. With the worlds population at over six billion, and a projected population of nine billion by the year 2048, birth control and sex education is sorely needed for our teens. WORKS CITED Braine, Teresa â€Å"Adolescent pregnancy: a culturally complex issue.† Bulletin World Health Organization 2009;87;410-411 Lyons, Linda â€Å"Assessing the Patterns That Prevent Teenage Pregnancy† Health Source-Consumer Edition Spring 99, Vol. 34 Issue 133, p.221,Show MoreRelatedEssay about Beef...and Why It Shouldnt Be Whats for Dinner5062 Words   |  21 Pagesvegan diet uses only about half that amount (Corliss). Ironically, the industry also wastes massive amounts of food. The amount of grain consumed by Americas livestock - about five times the grain consumed by humans in the U.S. - could feed 800 million people (Corliss). 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Slumdog Millionaire free essay sample

Jamal choose love Latika over his brother Salim, he choose to join the show to get back Latika. Latika choose both, the chance does she choose is to meet up jamal on the train station, and the choices she choose is to accept Jamal’s love. Salim he choices to be a gangster, he choose to do everything to get rich, so he shoot Mammon and give Latika to Javed. 1. Salim chooses to become a gangster. By deciding to become a gangster he chooses to be rich and do anything to get money. For example, in order to join Javed’s gang he chooses to give Javed Latika and shoot Mammon. By choosing to join Javed’s gang Salim does become very rich. But at a price! He learns to be ashamed of himself. In the end Salim dies for his brother Jamal. He sits in a bathtub of money and waits for Javed’s men to attack him. We will write a custom essay sample on Slumdog Millionaire or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He does this to give Jamal time to catch up and escape with Latika and so that Jamal and Latika have a chance of a life together. He dies as a sacrifice to their love. Salim was a Muslim and often prayed to Allah. In dying he was asking Allah for forgiveness. Luck did not follow Salim. Salim made his own choices. Salim lived a life based totally on the choices he made – and he made bad choices every time. 2. Jamal chooses love over money and Latika over his brother Salim. When Jamal and Salim meet on the roof of a car park after a long separation Jamal learns that Salim ‘gave’ Latika to Javed. He knows that Salim never cared for Latika. It is at this point that Jamal gets angry with his brother, realises what type of person Salim is, and chooses Latika over Salim. Jamal’s choice of Latika over Salim has a great effect on his life. Jamal did meet Latika twice before he entered the game show but he needed to give her a message –that he would wait for her forever. Jamal joins the show â€Å"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire† with the one purpose of getting a message to Latika: to meet him at the Train Station. Everything Jamal does on the show is to get this message to Latika. Jamal knew all the answers to all the questions by chance. For example, he actually met the Bollywood movie star, was running away from the Police when he met a boy dressed as a God, was iven an American $100 bill, watched Ricky Pointing play cricket, etc. All these he knew by chance. It was also luck that he was a Chai Walla at a Television studio and as able to play â€Å"Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? † Luck completely changed Jamal’s life. Jamal made good choices but through life’s lessons he knew the answers to all the questions he was asked on the TV program. Luck made him rich and helped him find and keep Latika. It also helped him re-find Salim. Luck was everything to him. It was his destiny to win money and win Latika’s heart. 3. Latika chooses to accept Jamal’s love. Latika goes to the train station twice to meet up with Jamal. The first time she is caught and slashed with a knife. The second time she escapes Javed and runs away with Jamal. Once Latika chooses Javed treats he badly. Javed’s men scar her face and she is returned to the house. In the house she cannot leave the room, is mistreated and is disrespected by Javed. She leads an unhappy life as a ‘slave’’ without any freedom or privacy. Latika was lucky to meet Jamal and Salim. It was Jamal who would ‘save’ her. Had she not met these two boys she probably would have ended up badly. When it was raining it was Jamal who convinced Salim to let her share the train compartment. From then on she was lucky to have won Jamal’s love. It was lucky for her that Jamal was also prepared to help her even though Salim ‘gave’ her to Javed. Jamal always ‘saved’ her. The choices Latika made really affected her life. She had to be careful and make clever decisions so that she wouldn’t be hurt. But, she was very lucky to meet Jamal. Had she not met Jamal her life would have been very, very bad. Through Jamal her life totally changed. She was lucky to find money and love through Jamal.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why Listening Doesnt Always Work Essays - Carbon Dioxide

Why Listening Doesn't Always Work The Night I Became a Convict (Well it sure seemed like it) Introduction: Police Sirens glaring ? lights flashing ? nervous and full of fright Thesis Statement: If all seems almost perfect and going so well, that is when carefulness and planning becomes most critical and imperative (Transition: It happened one night around two years ago.) I. Senior, high school doing excellent ? student body president and numerous awards- flying high in a small community A. Playing cards at friend's Mark house- got bored- suggested dry ice bombs B. Went get dry ice- made bombs in yard ? got on to bigger pranks C. Rode around- put into mailbox (exploded) ? then into other one (Transition: Little did we know.) II. Police pulled us over into driveway, Summoned us, people turned up in droves A. Parents' reaction, community's reaction B. Community service, apology to victims C. Rebuilding of mailboxes (Transition: Since then, everyone jokes and pokes fun at us) III. The regaining of our reputation, relief, humility A. Great humbling experience B. Taught us to think things over C. Not to be overcome with irrational thinking D. Hindsight is 20/20 Summary: Be thankful on your way to the top and don't forget the little things that got you there because one little mischievous action could ruin it. Your reputation is very fragile. Years to build-one action to tear it all down. Conclusion: And it was so that this event which now I can tell with a smile and in light-heartedness that had a very dramatic effect on my life and shaped it into what it is now. I now approach options with extreme caution and look at the possible consequences. Speech and Communcations

Saturday, November 23, 2019

National Stepfamily Resource Center Essay Essay Example

National Stepfamily Resource Center Essay Essay Example National Stepfamily Resource Center Essay Essay National Stepfamily Resource Center Essay Essay The first measure towards blending of a stepfamily is both parents taking a committedness to invariably work at their jobs and non give up when the traveling gets tough. Both of them have to understand the complexness of the state of affairs before acquiring into it. since kids with sensitive heads are traveling to be involved in the procedure. They besides have to see the fiscal portion of the whole trade. good in progress. to forestall struggles at a ulterior clip ( APA Health Center 2004 ) . The biological parent has to convey the thought of get downing a stepfamily to the kid. long before it really becomes a world. This is to guarantee that the kid is given adequate clip to get by up and go comfy with the new agreement. Before get downing a stepfamily. both spouses have to guarantee that they have sorted out issues from their past matrimonies. They should take equal clip to mend and recover from the old relationship. so that they are emotionally ready to get down another relationship. After all. a bad relationship surely can non seed the seeds for a successful stepfamily. Childs are really susceptible to their environment during their formative old ages. Hence. both parents should exert utmost cautiousness and restraint to forestall the kid from witnessing struggles and statements. in order to be healthy role-models ( Way2Hope ) . Parents should be mentally ready to manage letdowns and maladjustments at foremost. since a stepfamily is surely non designed to be an ideal agreement. The key is to bit by bit construct regard and trust with members of the stepfamily. Children need to be invariably reassured that they were non responsible for the dissolution of the old matrimony with the biological parent. particularly if the cause of separation is the decease of a parent. There needs to be an unfastened communicating channel with the kids in the signifier of little treatments. so that kids are non left stranded with confusions. unreciprocated inquiries and repressed emotions. A parent has to guarantee that stepchild and biological kid are non discriminated and given equal attending. It is indispensable for a parent to speak entirely with the biological kid every bit good as stepchild. so that they can understand each other better. They have to happen ways to link to the kids by organizing new household traditions that take topographic point on a regular footing. One of the facets of a closely-knit household is making things together. which brings in squad spirit and the joy of sharing. Once a household tradition starts to go on on a regular basis. it gives a sense of togetherness to the kids and would be a measure in the right way towards constructing a blended household. Family game darks. monthly field daies. annual holiday and Thanksgiving Day dinner could all really good be good household traditions that could populate on for old ages. possibly even coevalss. Care has to be taken to guarantee that the relationship between the stepchild and biological parent is sustained. since the kid needs attention from the biological parent to see a wholesome childhood ( All About Life Challenges ) . However. kids turning under joint detention of detached parents end up being raised under two families with different regulations and patterns ( National Stepfamily Resource Center ) . Hence. this may take to the kid acquiring assorted messages from both parents and being forced into a province of confusion. Hence. both the biological parent and measure parent have to speak with each other and come to a decision about the methods of training and handling the kid. Even after making these things right. if the kid finds it difficult to accommodate to the blended household. the parents should give it some clip for things to work their manner out of course and be unfastened to the thought of seeking professional aid if needed. Giving kids infinite to do up their ain heads at their ain gait is the key to constructing new relationships with them. For case. it is non just to anticipate a stepchild to turn to a measure parent as â€Å"dad† or â€Å"mom† since their biological parent is non replaceable ( Jaffe et. al 2008 ) . In due class of clip. household bonds would finally turn stronger as the kid additions respect for the measure parent. Mention: All About Life Challenges. Blended Families – Common Sense. Retrieved 9 July 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. allaboutlifechallenges. org/blended-families. htm gt ; APA Health Center. ( 2004 ) . Families: Making Stepfamilies Work. Retrieved 9 July 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. apahelpcenter. org/articles/article. php? id=41 gt ; Jaffe. J. Segal. J. Hutman. S A ; Barston. S. ( 2008. 8 January ) . Blending Families: a Guide for Stepparents. HelpGuide. Retrieved 9 July 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. helpguide. org/mental/blended_families_stepfamilies. htm gt ; National Stepfamily Resource Center. Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved 9 July 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. stepfamilies. info/faqs/faqs. php gt ; Way2Hope. Blended Family Problems. Retrieved 9 July 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. way2hope. org/blended_family_problems. htm gt ;

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Answering a specific question from the novelTo Kill a Mockingbird by Essay

Answering a specific question from the novelTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - Essay Example ted by Jem, that he was â€Å"about six feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that’s why his hands are bloodstained†¦There was a long jagged scar that ran across his face; what teeth he had were yellow and rotten, his eyes popped and he drooled most of the time.† But was he really a monster who deserved to be imprisoned? Since there was no clear indication whether Boo was insane or not, we cannot easily define the purpose for his imprisonment. What we know is that his father does not want him in the asylum. He might not have been crazy during the earlier days but who wouldn’t go crazy if you are kept from the outside world for decades? This was understood by Gill when he asked his friends how they would feel â€Å"if you’d been shut up for a hundred years with nothing but cats to eat?† This implied that the people really believed he was crazy. But crazy or not, it was just plain mean to imprison someone in the house. If he was crazy, it was actually better if he was left in the asylum for treatment. And there, he would have the appropriate environmental and social conditions needed by those people with disorder. With this, I don’t think there was any good thing about his father and brother’s way of protecting him, if that was what they insist on doing. And I agree with Scout when she understood â€Å"why Boo Radley’s stayed shut in his house all this time†¦it’s because he wants to stay inside† to escape the horrible things that the townspeople can do to each