Monday, May 25, 2020
Acquiring Political Power under a Principality Essay
In The Prince, Machiavelli writes his analysis of how to acquire and sustain political power under a principality. It is his understanding of human nature and the ability to maintain control over people that make up the base for all of the other theories he puts forth. Machiavelli is able to recognize what it takes to balance the citizens somewhere between happy and scared, so to keep them from revolting while appearing united and strong discouraging others form invading. Thucydides shares a similar view of human nature, as he sees all people as being motivated by fear, honor, and self interest. Machiavelli and Thucydides both demonstrate how a ruler can use many aspects of human nature to their advantage when ruling a state. The†¦show more content†¦This passage provides the reasoning why leaders are safer feared than loved. When danger is close at hand, people will turn on you if they do not fear the punishment they will be handed. Thucydides shared a very similar view of human nature using different reasoning as to why humans are of a self centered, amoral nature when faced with tragedy. Thucydides showed the similarities in human nature during the plague and during the war. He observed that in the plague and in wartime, humans become self serving individuals and give up their morality and reason. Although Thucydides and Machiavelli wrote their books two thousand years apart, the similarity in their views showed that human nature had not changed. The fact that their works are still refered to today suggests that human nature has not in fact even changed much today. Machiavellis first focus has to do with the changing of rulers in a state and what the most effective strategy of taking over is. The ideal way of taking over is dependent on what the situation in the state was before and how the new ruler came into power. Thucydides states for a private citizen to become prince through their own ability is very tough to do, but when they are successful it is easy to keep their power. On the other handShow MoreRelatedAdolf Hitlers Machiavellian Strategy Essay652 Words  | 3 PagesAdolf Hitlers Machiavellian Strategy Machiavelli’s The Prince outlines tactics for a leader to seize and maintain lands under his power. His tactics have been demonstrated repeatedly throughout history, and though his approach is hardly ethical or idealistic, one cannot deny the fact that it has proved to be effective. Hitler is an example that exemplifies the accuracy of what Machiavelli said would bring success in the acquisition of new provinces. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Health Issues Among The Homeless Population - 1450 Words
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss current health issues among the homeless population. The paper will also explore the reasons behind homelessness and the society’s perception. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless an individual experiencing homelessness fall into one of the three categories such as, chronic, transitional or episodic homelessness. Medicine or treatment for homeless individuals seeking medical attention, are not as accessible compared to non-homeless individuals due to the culture and rough life style. Neglecting proper housing and health care to underprivileged people is inhumane and increases the homeless population. Keywords: homelessness, chronic, transitional, episodic Homelessness and Health Care Throughout history there has always been a portion of society living in disadvantaged conditions. With the current high cost of living, global issues, unemployment rate on the rise, and low wages, many Americans are finding themselves homeless. One would think that in this advanced century, there would not be individuals living without the basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter. Unfortunately, there are millions of people with nowhere to sleep. Besides the many problems homeless people face daily, one of the leading problems is health care. Being homeless with limited access to health care or shelter in conjunction with mental illness or exposure to harmful diseases can lead to poor health, orShow MoreRelatedHealth Disparities Among Homeless Women And Their Children1015 Words  | 5 Pages Health Disparities Among Homeless Women and Their Children Geraldine Barron Denver School of Nursing Cohort C â€Æ' Health Disparities Among Homeless Women and Their Children Health care disparities is known for its vulnerability among low income and minority status populations. Of most concern are the vulnerable population subgroups known by the harsh environments in which they live, their endangered and unhealthy life styles and the illnesses and injuries that afflict them. â€Å"These subpopulationsRead MoreEssay about The United States Homeless Population879 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction In the United States the homeless population continues to grow rapidly. Homelessness has been a public health issue for many decades. Often times these individuals feel as though society has turned a blind eye to them. This at risk population is seen by society as lazy or chose to live a life on the streets, but if one would examine this population closely would see that there is more to this at risk population than what society has labeled them as. The forces, which affect homelessnessRead MoreTaking a Look at Homelessness893 Words  | 4 PagesSkyTrain station, is a densely populated area. In this community, there are a large number of homeless individuals. In homeless population, mental illness commonly present in the forms of schizophrenia, depression, personality disorders, substance abuse, and other affective disorders. According to Metro Vancouver Homeless Count, there are â€Å"400 homeless people in Surrey, representing 15% of the regions 2650 homeless†(City o f Surrey, n.d, â€Å"2014†). This problem has been present for many years and there areRead MoreMental Health and the Homeless Community Essay1103 Words  | 5 PagesDisease Control and Prevention [CDC] used the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ definition of mental illness as â€Å"health conditions that are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior (or some combination thereof) associated with distress and/or impaired functioning†(2011). Our community is exposed to a large number of individuals with mental illness. Among those individuals are the widespread homeless populations. The United States Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentRead MoreCauses Of Homelessness1405 Words  | 6 Pagesinterventions to be able to help the homeless population, we must understand their mental health and behavioral needs. The information they all share in common are the factors why a specific type of population became homeless. The inte rrelation of homelessness and mental illness are informed by many factors such as; the lack of support, extreme poverty, substance abuse, lack of affordable health insurance, and lack of affordable housing. The homeless population shares different struggles when dealingRead MoreHomeless Adults : A Comprehensive Assessment Of Health Care Utilization1486 Words  | 6 PagesHomeless Adults Health Care Utilization under Universal Health Insurance in California A review of the article: A Comprehensive Assessment of Health Care Utilization Among Homeless Adults Under a System of Universal Health Insurance Hwang, S.W., Chambers, C., Chiu, S., Katic, M., Kiss, A., Redelmeier, D.A., Levinson, W. (2013). A Comprehensive Assessment of Health Care Utilization Among Homeless Adults Under a System of Universal Health Insurance. American Journal of Public Health, 103(S2)Read MoreThe Problem Of Homeless People1280 Words  | 6 PagesWhen thinking of homeless people, one would probably think of a bum who is an addict or alcoholic. Homelessness affects a variety of people. Homelessness as an issue in today s society is largely ignored. The problem of homelessness is barely noticed. 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Common health problems in the homeless population include: mental health problems, substanceRead MoreHomeless On A Single Winter Night Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pagesapproximately 564,708 people who were homeless on a single winter night in 2015 (Housing and Urban Development, 2015). Worldwide, acquiring an accurate picture of homelessness has proven challenging due to varying definitions country to country. Furthermore, data on homelessness has also proven to be extremely sparse in many parts of the world. The last worldwide survey was attempted by the United Nations. Based on the surve y it was estimated that 100 million people were homeless across the world (United NationsRead MoreHomelessness : Homeless Population, Origins And Consequences Of Homelessness1373 Words  | 6 PagesHomelessness Some background information on the prevalence of and risk factors for the homeless population, origins and consequences of homelessness, prevention and treatment strategies, and other considerations will be presented. The definition of homelessness may cover a broad range of individuals, including those physically deprived of a home and housed persons unwilling to remain in their homes (Ravenhill 6). Some researchers conceptualize homelessness as â€Å"alienation from the rest of the society
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Disease Of A Disease Eradication Program - 1579 Words
Disease control, elimination, and eradication are three very closely related terms. Disease control is when a disease attributes for a reduced number of infections due to deliberate human interaction. For disease control to continue, human intervention must continue as well. Elimination is when there is no occurrence of the disease in a specific geographical location because of human intervention. Similar to disease control, human intervention must continue for the geographical location to maintain the elimination of the disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, disease eradication is the â€Å"permanent reduction to zero of the worldwide incidence of infection caused by a specific agent as a result of deliberate efforts.†Unlike elimination and control, disease eradication requires no further human intervention once the eradication process is completely successful. Disease eradication requires much more planning, funding, and global support than di sease control and disease elimination. Many developing nations struggle implicating an eradication program because they lack the government stability, funding, and other key factors that play a huge part in the success of a disease eradication program. Due the many factors influencing eradiation, only two diseases have successfully been eradicated: smallpox and rinderpest. Smallpox is a very contagious infectious disease that impacted the lives of people for thousands of years. After decades of eradicationShow MoreRelatedEssay on Vaccination and Eradication of Smallpox1604 Words  | 7 PagesThe Vaccination and Eradication of Smallpox Smallpox, a disease caused by the variola virus, has devastated humanity for many centuries. Because of its high mortality rate, civilizations around the world sought to protect themselves from this disease. Throughout the 1700s, these protective methods became more sophisticated, and led up to Edward Jenner’s vaccination method in 1796. Indeed, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and the Agency for International DevelopmentRead MoreEradication, Extinction, And Control790 Words  | 4 Pages1. Define eradication, extinction, elimination, and control. a) Eradication as permanent reduction to zero of the worldwide incidence of a disease or an infection and with further intervention no longer needed, once interruption of transmission has been certified worldwide,. b) Extinction of the disease means the specific infectious agent no longer exists in nature or even in the laboratory. c) Elimination: reduction to zero of the occurrence of a disease or an infection in a defined geographicalRead MoreVaccinations And Immunization : Infection Of The Variola Virus1302 Words  | 6 Pagespathogen. Vaccines, either oral or injected, are prepared with a weakened or dead disease causing microorganisms /pathogens. This vaccine is given with the intensions of provoking a immune response to the disease, on a minor level. This vaccination allows for the immune response to create antibodies, and memory cells, so that if infected with a strong version of the pathogen, the body will be immune. - - The disease, commonly known as Smallpox, is caused by an infection of the Variola Virus. ThisRead MoreDisease659 Words  | 3 PagesDracunculiasis (guinea worm disease): eradication without a drug or a vaccine, Gautam Biswas, Dieudonne P. Sankara, Junerlyn Agua-Agum and Alhousseine Maiga, June 2013. Introduction: Dracunculiasis is the first parasitic disease that has the potential to be eradicated without the need of drugs or vaccines. Since the parasite life cycle revolves around the host consuming the infected copepod in the water, the experimental designed was to focus on the introduction of water treatment educations intoRead MoreA World Without Polio : A Benefit Cost Analysis Critique1536 Words  | 7 Pagesand the eradication of global poliomyelitis is no exception. This paper will examine the first benefit cost analysis of the Global Poliomyelitis Eradication Initiative, published in 1996 . It will also explore the broader question of the economic value of eradication. Background Context The world is on the verge of a remarkable achievement in global health – the eradication of polio. An achievement of this magnitude has occurred only once before, thirty years ago, with the eradication of smallpoxRead MoreViral Infectious DiseasesPolio or Poliomyelitis1368 Words  | 5 PagesINTRODUCTION Poliomyelitis is a viral infectious disease that is transmitted through mainly the oral fecal route. The disease has been with mankind since time in memorial although epidemics were unknown before the 20th century. The disease has caused millions of deaths and paralysis for much of human history. NATURAL HISTORY OF POLIOMYELITIS The name poliomyelitis is derived from ancient Greek were polio means grey and myelos meaning marrow referring to grey matter of spinalRead MoreThe Worldwide Eradication Of Foot And Mouth Disease1702 Words  | 7 PagesThe Worldwide Eradication of Foot and Mouth Disease The potential threat of a foreign animal disease is always at the back of an agricultural livestock producer s mind because it could possibly be devastating both economically and environmentally. The disease has the potential to wipe out a large percentage of the livestock animal population, thus affecting the way the US uses the land that supports food animal production. The possibility of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease is a big areaRead MoreReducing Deaths from Infectious Disease in Austrailia948 Words  | 4 Pagesmortality rates from infectious diseases over the last century Introduction Over the last century, the mortality rate from infectious diseases in Australia has declined significantly3. Along with highly successful research to develop effective vaccines, public health campaigns have contributed substantially to this outcome. Organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF have been heavily involved in finding vaccines to treat these diseases and promoting education and communityRead MoreThe Anti Vaccine Movement And The Vaccine1620 Words  | 7 Pagesthing causes the other; science proved that this was not the case. Research conducted by DeStefano (2002) to assess Wakefield’s claims report â€Å"the postulated link between bowel disease and autism was tenuous, as there was no conï ¬ rmatory laboratory evidence (ie, measles virus was not detected in bowel) and bowel disease did not precede onset of autism in any of the cases†(DeStefano, 2002, p. S51). Another study conducted to evaluate Wakefield’s claim identified and linked all 498 known cases ofRead MoreThe Birth Of Florence Nightingale, A Pioneer Of The Modern Nursing Profession1628 Words  | 7 Pagespromotion and disease prevention. One preventable disease from Nightingale’s time that is still prevalent today is cholera. Cholera is a condition characterized by diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps, resulting in severe dehydration or death due to the bacteria, vibro cholerae (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). Cholera is spread through consumption of water or food that has been contaminated wi th fecal bacteria, and as such is preventable through education programs, improved access
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Innovation and Sustainable Development
Question: Discuss about the Innovation and Sustainable Development. Answer: Introduction Establishment of the business model innovation is the integral part of the organisational functionalities. The business model innovation is not depended on the technological implementation or any new business market. It improves the existing products that were produced by the existing technologies to the existing business market (Barquet et al., 2013). The continuous changing scenario of the business model innovation sometimes can be invisible to the people worldwide. It is one of the most efficient processes of developing such a new feature that cannot be replicated by the competitors in this globalised business scenario. The study will provide the insights regarding the business model innovations by obtaining ideas from the relatable sources. Discussion The business model is conceptualized as the clarified and concise manner of portraying the business operational process. The management team of every organisation needs to explain the particular business model for the improvement of the organisational functionalities (Morris et al., 2015). It is noted that every organisation strive to offer the remarkable value to the customers. Maintaining the strong value proposition is effective enough in strengthening the customer base in this competitive market. Hence, the business model is formulated to achieve such purposes. It is implied that the business model development is associated with several factors, such as strategic choices, value network, creating values, and capturing values. The strategic choices are made by concentrating on the value proposition, customer focus, competitors, revenues or pricing structure, branding differentiations, relevant strategy, output, and mission (Bankvall, Dubois Lind, 2017). Another major factor is value network, which contains the customer information, suppliers, flow of the information, maintenance of the customer relationship, and flow of the product or services. The next component is creating values that include the organisational functionalities and the availability of the resources in the organisation (Fielt, 2014). The final component is capturing values that determine the financial aspects, costs, and profits. The organisational management needs to keep the focus on such components to develop the business model. The innovative process is necessary to part icipate in a competitive position and win over the giant competitors in the business market. The business model system is involved with different technicalities and different process flows. Identification of such process flows will be much helpful in recognizing the diverse levels of the business dynamics utilized by the higher management authority. The business dynamics refer to the capability of the business functionalities to accomplish the pre-determined goals. When business model acts as the system approach, it helps in resolving the emerging problems with the dynamic and static factors (Farahani et al., 2014). The spreadsheet presented by the managers for the business model development provides the solution to address the logic-based issues within an organisation. The managers can be able to analyze the critical components. Moreover, gathering the information regarding critical assumptions of the business will be helpful for resolving the issues with business dynamics. It is essential for the business to conduct the business research to resolve the static problems. Maintaining the strong value proposition is effective enough in strengthening the customer base in this competitive market. The strategic choices are made by concentrating on the value proposition, customer focus, competitors, revenues or pricing structure, branding differentiations, relevant strategy, output, and mission It is to be indicated that the business model system helps in understanding the partnership of the firm. The use of the business model canvas would be beneficial for the entrepreneurship businesses in identifying the appropriate partnerships. The innovative process is necessary to participate in a competitive position and win over the giant competitors in the business market. The business model system is involved with different technicalities and different process flows. It is essential to pay attention towards the dynamics and the capabilities to perform in a better way. Hence, the selection of the partner is necessary to identify the capabilities in a win-win situation. In fact, the method is also needed to be selected in a significant way. Maintaining the strong value proposition is effective enough in strengthening the customer base in this competitive market. The strategic choices are made by concentrating on the value proposition, customer focus, competitors, revenues or pricin g structure, branding differentiations, relevant strategy, output, and mission It is necessary to identify the most helpful partnership types, such as joint ventures, strategic alliance, or franchising process (Lippert Govindarajulu, 2015). Identification of the method would be helpful enough for the company to understand the key partners of the firm. The business model system is also much important for analyzing the innovative process adopted by a firm. It helps in understanding the set of business functionalities that can ensure the business sustainability in a global competitive market (Boons Ldeke-Freund, 2013). The innovative process is necessary to participate in a competitive position and win over the giant competitors in the business market. The business model system is involved with different technicalities and different process flows. Identification of such process flows will be much helpful in recognizing the diverse levels of the business dynamics utilized by the higher management authority. Mitsuru Kodama, in his article named Boundaries Innovation and Knowledge in the Japanese Firm pointed out that the Japanese firm is paying the attention towards re-organizing the organisational functionalities in a global context. It is noted that the Japanese firms have set their aim to strengthen the competitive position in the international business ground. The article clearly presents the progression of the competency level in different sectors. The article specifies the effectiveness of the knowledge integration firm that helps in restructuring the corporate functionalities in a cohesive way (Kodama, 2009). The argument present in this article is highlighting the implication of the proper and suitable integration process that are concerned with the alignment process of different business entities. Obtaining ideas from the diverse sources would be beneficial in ensuring the dynamic changes. The study also exclaims about the corporate obligations that create the errors in human ne tworks. The innovative process is necessary to participate in a competitive position and win over the giant competitors in the business market (Itami Nishino, 2010). The innovative process is necessary to participate in a competitive position and win over the giant competitors in the business market. The business model system is involved with different technicalities and different process flows. Identification of such process flows will be much helpful in recognizing the diverse levels of the business dynamics utilized by the higher management authority. On the other hand, the article named Killing two birds with one stone is providing thee insightful ideas about the product or service delivery processes. The article is providing the effective views about the current scenario that the company has been facing while talking participation in the competitive environment. In order to provide a proper service or products to the customers, it is essential to understand the basic needs and demands of the customers. The spreadsheet presented by the managers for the business model development provides the solution to address the logic-based issues within an organisation. The managers can be able to analyze the critical components (Itami Nishino, 2010). Moreover, it is even essential to establish the proper business model that can be helpful enough encouraging the value added services for the customer products. Accordingly, the firm will be able to strengthen their position in the global competitive ground. However, it is also essential for th e organisation to determine the sufficient resources that are essential to lead the organisations towards competitive approaches. The article is also highlighting the appropriate business model that can help the organisation to gather revenues for the future prospects,, the article creates the vision regarding the core assets of the business which are intangible. The identification of the core competencies would be essential for securing the competitive position of the firm in the global context. Conclusion The continuous changing scenario of the business model innovation sometimes can be invisible to the people worldwide. It is noted that every organisation strive to offer the remarkable value to the customers. It is implied that the business model development is associated with several factors, such astrategic choices, value network, creating values, and capturing values. The spreadsheet presented by the managers for the business model development provides the solution to address the logic-based issues within an organisation. The managers can be able to analyze the critical components. The use of the business model canvas would be beneficial for the entrepreneurship businesses in identifying the appropriate partnerships. . It is essential to pay attention towards the dynamics and the capabilities to perform in a better way. Hence, the selection of the partner is necessary to identify the capabilities in a win-win situation. . It is noted that the Japanese firms have set their aim to s trengthen the competitive position in the international business ground. The article clearly presents the progression of the competency level in different sectors. The spreadsheet presented by the managers for the business model development provides the solution to address the logic-based issues within an organisation. The managers can be able to analyze the critical components. References Bankvall, L., Dubois, A., Lind, F. (2017). Conceptualizing business models in industrial networks.Industrial Marketing Management,60, 196-203. Barquet, A. P. B., de Oliveira, M. G., Amigo, C. R., Cunha, V. P., Rozenfeld, H. (2013). Employing the business model concept to support the adoption of productservice systems (PSS).Industrial Marketing Management,42(5), 693-704. Boons, F., Ldeke-Freund, F. (2013). Business models for sustainable innovation: state-of-the-art and steps towards a research agenda.Journal of Cleaner Production,45, 9-19. Farahani, R. Z., Rezapour, S., Drezner, T., Fallah, S. (2014). Competitive supply chain network design: An overview of classifications, models, solution techniques and applications.Omega,45, 92-118. Fielt, E. (2014). Conceptualising business models: Definitions, frameworks and classifications.Journal of Business Models,1(1), 85-105. Itami, H., Nishino, K. (2010). Killing two birds with one stone: profit for now and learning for the future.Long Range Planning,43(2), 364-369. Kodama, M. (2009). Boundaries innovation and knowledge integration in the Japanese firm.Long Range Planning,42(4), 463-494 Lippert, S. K., Govindarajulu, C. (2015). Technological, organizational, and environmental antecedents to web services adoption.Communications of the IIMA,6(1), 14. Morris, M., Schindehutte, M., Richardson, J., Allen, J. (2015). Is the business model a useful strategic concept? Conceptual, theoretical, and empirical insights.Journal of Small Business Strategy,17(1), 27-50.
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