Monday, May 25, 2020
Acquiring Political Power under a Principality Essay
In The Prince, Machiavelli writes his analysis of how to acquire and sustain political power under a principality. It is his understanding of human nature and the ability to maintain control over people that make up the base for all of the other theories he puts forth. Machiavelli is able to recognize what it takes to balance the citizens somewhere between happy and scared, so to keep them from revolting while appearing united and strong discouraging others form invading. Thucydides shares a similar view of human nature, as he sees all people as being motivated by fear, honor, and self interest. Machiavelli and Thucydides both demonstrate how a ruler can use many aspects of human nature to their advantage when ruling a state. The†¦show more content†¦This passage provides the reasoning why leaders are safer feared than loved. When danger is close at hand, people will turn on you if they do not fear the punishment they will be handed. Thucydides shared a very similar view of human nature using different reasoning as to why humans are of a self centered, amoral nature when faced with tragedy. Thucydides showed the similarities in human nature during the plague and during the war. He observed that in the plague and in wartime, humans become self serving individuals and give up their morality and reason. Although Thucydides and Machiavelli wrote their books two thousand years apart, the similarity in their views showed that human nature had not changed. The fact that their works are still refered to today suggests that human nature has not in fact even changed much today. Machiavellis first focus has to do with the changing of rulers in a state and what the most effective strategy of taking over is. The ideal way of taking over is dependent on what the situation in the state was before and how the new ruler came into power. Thucydides states for a private citizen to become prince through their own ability is very tough to do, but when they are successful it is easy to keep their power. On the other handShow MoreRelatedAdolf Hitlers Machiavellian Strategy Essay652 Words  | 3 PagesAdolf Hitlers Machiavellian Strategy Machiavelli’s The Prince outlines tactics for a leader to seize and maintain lands under his power. His tactics have been demonstrated repeatedly throughout history, and though his approach is hardly ethical or idealistic, one cannot deny the fact that it has proved to be effective. Hitler is an example that exemplifies the accuracy of what Machiavelli said would bring success in the acquisition of new provinces. 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