Thursday, May 14, 2020
Health Issues Among The Homeless Population - 1450 Words
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss current health issues among the homeless population. The paper will also explore the reasons behind homelessness and the society’s perception. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless an individual experiencing homelessness fall into one of the three categories such as, chronic, transitional or episodic homelessness. Medicine or treatment for homeless individuals seeking medical attention, are not as accessible compared to non-homeless individuals due to the culture and rough life style. Neglecting proper housing and health care to underprivileged people is inhumane and increases the homeless population. Keywords: homelessness, chronic, transitional, episodic Homelessness and Health Care Throughout history there has always been a portion of society living in disadvantaged conditions. With the current high cost of living, global issues, unemployment rate on the rise, and low wages, many Americans are finding themselves homeless. One would think that in this advanced century, there would not be individuals living without the basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter. Unfortunately, there are millions of people with nowhere to sleep. Besides the many problems homeless people face daily, one of the leading problems is health care. Being homeless with limited access to health care or shelter in conjunction with mental illness or exposure to harmful diseases can lead to poor health, orShow MoreRelatedHealth Disparities Among Homeless Women And Their Children1015 Words  | 5 Pages Health Disparities Among Homeless Women and Their Children Geraldine Barron Denver School of Nursing Cohort C â€Æ' Health Disparities Among Homeless Women and Their Children Health care disparities is known for its vulnerability among low income and minority status populations. 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